A Complete Guide To The Management of Demolition Waste


Do you have an ongoing demolition project? You may be worried about how to dispose of the demolition waste. Read the information below for some few tips to help you with demolition waste management.  Sorting Out the Waste Remove any items inside the structure before demolitions commence. For instance, if you are demolishing a residential house, remove any furniture, electronics and internal fittings. You can reuse most of these items. If you do not have any use for them, donate them to a charity, gift them to friends or sell them at an auction.

17 September 2019

Asbestos removal process


Asbestos was used back in the 1980s to build homes, schools and commercial buildings. One of the key reasons for its use was that it was fireproof among other benefits like the fact that it was cheap and offered insulating abilities. However, researchers later found that when it was slightly disturbed, asbestos released mineral fibres that were linked to severe health conditions. If you are living in a house that was built back in the 1980s, there is a likelihood that it contains asbestos somewhere in the roof shingles, the furnace or the insulation system.

20 May 2019

Is Your Outdoor Balcony Still Fit for Purpose?


Many properties, especially those that are near to the coast, feature an external balcony so that the occupants can enjoy the surrounding vista. These balconies can be a pleasant place to enjoy a nice afternoon, but you must ensure that they are kept in good repair, especially when you consider the risks involved. If it's been some time since you inspected your balcony (and certainly if you happen to live by the seaside) what should you be looking for?

19 February 2019

House Restumping – What Do You Need To Know?


House restumping, also referred to as house raising, is a valuable process for an array of reasons. Most commonly it refers to the repair or installation of foundation stumps, which in turn raises the house higher than it was before. Take note, however, that the restumping can also be done without putting the entire structure at a higher level, and this almost always is more economical than the house-raising alternative. Nevertheless, restumping your house and having it raised higher does bring a few benefits that you can make the most of.

29 January 2019

4 Signs You Need Foundation Underpinning


Your foundation does the integral job of holding up your home, but in some cases, it needs a bit of extra help. In particular, you may need to talk with a contractor about foundation underpinning. This process involves repairing your original foundation and adding extra supports to it. Here are the four major signs that you may need this work. 1. You Want More Depth in Your Basement Do you have a crawl space that you want to turn into a basement?

19 January 2019

Two situations in which you should have a damage contractor demolish your building


If you own a building that you want to demolish, there are certain situations in which it may be best to arrange for a damage contractor to do this work, instead of performing the building demolition process yourself. Continue reading to find out what these situations are. The building features a structurally unsound framework If the framework of the building that you want to have demolished has been declared structurally unsound by a structural engineer, then it is best to arrange for an experienced damage contractor to demolish it.

14 January 2019